Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in Ferula asafoetida is an herbaceous, monoecious, perennial plant of the UMBELLIFERAE family. Asafoetida is native to central Asia, eastern Iran to Afghanistan, and today it is grown chiefly in Iran and Afghanistan, from where it is exported to the rest of the world.
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in Asafoetida has a strong odor and a bitter acrid taste due to the sulfur compounds present in the essential oil. It is used throughout Asia in spice blends
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in 5 Clinical trials of herbal biomolecules of Ferula spices. Ferula asafoetida Linn, is a strong, tenacious, and sulfurous odor and is of medicinal
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in Asafoetida (Ferula asafoetida) is the dried sap or gum resin obtained from the roots of Ferula plants. It's commonly dried,
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