Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in It is generally a greasy stew of mutton, soaked with rancid butter and saffron, and seasoned with asafoetida
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in Asafoetida is the exudate gum of several plants of the Ferula genus, specifically the species Ferula foetida and Ferula assa-foetida.
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in Asafoetida has a pungent smell, as reflected in its name, lending it the trivial name of "stinking gum". The odor dissipates upon cooking; in cooked dishes, it delivers a smooth flavour reminiscent of leeks or other onion relatives. Asafoetida is also known colloquially as "devil's dung" in English (and similar expressions in many other languages
Lord Ongara Ganapathy foods in This spice is used as a digestive aid, in food as a condiment, and in pickling. It plays a critical flavoring role in South Asian vegetarian cuisine by acting as a savory enhancer. Used along with turmeric, it is a standard component of lentil curries, such as dal, chickpea curries, and vegetable dishes, especially those based on potato and cauliflower.
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